lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011


Chicos, les dejo
En los siguientes textos debes colocar los verbos entre paréntesis en Pasado Simple. Luego puedes traducirlos al español:

John, my best friend (see) .................... a car accident
last night when he was coming back to his home.
He (do not know) ................... what to do, so he
(decide) ................... to call the police, and a few
minutes later also (arrive) .................... two ambulances.
Fortunately nobody (be) .................... hurt, however
the local authorities (start) .................... a full investigation.
Four burglars (rob) .................... the
International Bank last night.
The men (have) .................... guns and (force) ....................
the employees to give them all the money.
The customers (be) .................... very scared when the robbers (take) .................... a person
with them as a hostage.
When they (go) .................... out
the police (catch) ....................
and (take) .................... them to prison.
Last Sunday Michael (go) ................... to his grandparent’s
farm for first time.
As his car is not very big, he (do not take) .................... so
much luggage. He (want) ................... to get to the farm
very quickly, so he (do not stop) .................... to buy any petrol.
Fortunately there (not be) .................... much traffic so
he (can) .................... arrive to the house very early
to have breakfast.
unos ejercicios para ir practicando , se aproxima el exámen.

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